Monday, August 31, 2015

Seems like a vacation 8-31

Well the last day of August.  Where or where is the time going.  Finished several paintings.  Made cradled boards.  It was a week and then some.  I then found I was in a painting rut.  Just like writers block and didn't know why.  I paced around the house like a caged animal.  Got lots of advise from
friends but the best advise and I can't remember where I read it was to power on through.  Laugh at it
and realize two things are happening.  I'm about to become more developed as an abstract artist making my voice stronger or I just don't have it.   I refused to believe the last one so I powered on through.  I would advise anyone not to walk away, not to go watch tv or go shopping but just go in
that studio and do the job that is your passion.  It will turn a corner and you will be happy you did.
So with that I have 9 new pieces and 2 did not make the cut but will be reworked.  I have the ones that did work and I will be posting them.

blogger is having a monday will post later

Thursday, August 20, 2015

and a forgotten child

27 x 25   "End of Summer Pool Party"

catch up 8-20- Thursday

Oh My it has been a week.  When you make your own cradled panels or rather your son makes them 1for you but of course you have to supervise  LOL  So I will post the new ones here.

24 x 24   "I Think you are Marvelous"

28 x 26  Her Eyes were water clear and without shores

Thursday, August 13, 2015

8-13 Thursday Short week

This is going to be a short week for me.  I am venturing out of my comfort zone of what I have accomplished in abstracts and with the medium.  I feel they all need more movement and are a bit
static.  So moving and grooving they will go.  Til then..........
20 x 20  Cast your Cares


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

8-12 Wednesday

20 x 20  Sometimes in Dreams  cw/oil on board

This title came like trying to remember a name that was on the tip of my tongue.  Since I had that
analogy in my head I thought its also like a dream that the more you are awake the more vague it
becomes and bingo again it named itself.  I just love it when the brain is really working and I'm so
into a piece that it is the only world I'm in.  In my work what you don't see  is the struggle for it to
become a piece of art.  Its such a ying and yang of putting on paint taking it off, putting it on again.
Back and forth until I see a gilmer of what I'm trying to say.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

8-11 Tuesday

"Pompeii"   recently Sold 
I missed Monday.  It was there but I just missed it here. Working getting paintings ready for a new
gallery and it is work.  So I do have new paintings just not yet photo'd so here is one for you all.

12 x 12  Forever in Blue Jeans

Friday, August 7, 2015

8-7 Friday

Today would of been my mothers birthday so I posted a painting I hope reflects how she is now.
Sounds sappy I know but we all have mothers we will miss one day or another.  I always miss her
on her birthday.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
31 x 31  "Where Your Dreams are Sweet"


Thursday, August 6, 2015

8-6 Thursday

One would think by my titles that there might be alternative meanings.  There are.
I think that the piece titles itself but it also could be the mood I'm in.  I don't think there is
a person out there that can not feeling at times that the story they are hearing is not quite the
real story.  Hence the title.

14.5 x 14.5  "The Stories Inbetween His Words"


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

8-4 Tuesday

12 x 12  Mardi Gras

Most fun I have had painting these 12 x 12's.  I usually do a group as a warm up for several big pieces.
Yesterdays post and today are a companion pair.  Just in case you are interested in purchasing.  They
will both be at the Stellers Gallery in Jacksonville Fl mid month.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

8-4 Tuesday

When I paint abstracts I know I'm not done with them until they speak to me.  I usually get the name when it all comes together.  I did 4 12 x 12's and had a plan.  HAHAHA you never have a plan with an abstract.  I will probably be still learning that a year from now.  Old habits die hard from a traditional artist and prior to that an illustrator.  So for me abstracts are like working on a wire without a net.  Here is the first one of the 12 x 12's and it makes me smile when I learned it's name.
12 x 12  "The Rumba"   cw/oil on board


Monday, August 3, 2015

8-3 Monday

After a very productive weekend I will have some new and exciting work for you to view.  I am also
very happy to announce that my abstracts are now in The Stellers Gallery of San Marco-Jacksonville Fl.

26 x 26  "Pompeii"

I had originally named this something different but a fellow artist friend who lives in this part
of the world said it reminded him of "Pompeii"  Hence I changed the name as it fit it perfectly.
