Thursday, December 27, 2012

30 paintings in 30 days

18 x 14
Saying I Love you

 Joining Leslie Byrd Saeta in her newest challenge.  Ordering panels now for the

30 paintings in 30 days.  Should be fun and at times a struggle with my current pattern 
of painting.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tons of new things going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arroyo Giant 30 x 24

Exciting things happening for my paintings.  This one is at Rich Timmons Fine Art Gallery and is in its full page ad along with a feature in the January 2013 Issue of American Art Collector.  I am also excited to be
in the Timmons Gallery and I will be posting the other paintings available that are at this fine gallery.  And please go to my site and sign up for my newsletter.