Tuesday, March 31, 2015

New Work

"Lingering Peace"  12.5 x 19

I am loving the new direction my art is taking with this mixed media.
This piece is on Arches Oil Paper using oil and Cold wax.  I did miss
doing the landscapes but now I'm back and this mediums fits me like a glove.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

New for Me Cold Wax and Oil

Days End  10 x 12

After my trip to DC to meet up with  artist Jeff  Erickson. (http://jeffericksontheartist.com)
I had my introductory to this incredible medium.  I thought for sure that my florals would
just be dynamic in this medium.  I left behind landscape for the florals as I no longer wanted
to even consider plein air or painting from photos but in side my head.  Well one never knows
what will develop and hence it is not florals or abstracts but the landscape has re-emerged.
Believe me I'm as surprised as anyone.  I have three more in the progress and have found a new
love for the landscape.

So if anyone gets to the DC area please look up Jeff.  He has a wonderful gallery and he is as nice
an artist as they come.  I recommend him highly for training in this medium.

Sorry for the long stretch in posting.  Most of my new work is on my face book page
Like my page to get the most updated paintings.  You can also find me on Pinterest!!

off to paint

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Spring has sprung

"Tenderness"   24 x 16

Spring is coming.  This is everyone's hope that this winter is gone
done with and a vague bad memory.

I am excited to announce a page on my website
that allows you to shop for paintings.

May you have tons of flowers this year in your gardens.