Monday, October 26, 2015

Fall seems to finally be here

The a/c is turned off and its dry and sunny.  It's the best time of the south.  I feel for others as they begin the onset of winter and snow and cold.  Not that we can't get a cold or freeze in Florida but it
is only a momentary day and one that helps you forget all that humidity and heat of the winter.  The
pool sits idle and the dogs know that the warmth of an 84 degree pool is now in the 60's and soon to
be in the 50's.  I do love even Florida's change of seasons.  Well enough about weather.  It's art time.

Here is a new piece.  I'm very excited about the direction my art is taking.  I have been so moved by
Joan Mitchell.....
the above are two of Joan Mitchell's work.  She uses all the colors that
I love, pink, yellow, and blues.  Even when she painted in a man's world 
her colors were soft and feminine.  What's not to love.  So here are my pieces.
Hopefully you see that I too enjoy painting in these soft color with depth .

"Every Day is New"  24 x 24     Coldwax/oil on board

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